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Автор публикации: Смердина Анна Анатольевна

Поколение online-пленники технологий

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Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждениегорода Новосибирска«Лицей №136»Конспект урока по английскому языкуТема урока: «Поколение online-пленники технологий»10 классРазработала: Смердина А.А.,учитель английского языкавысшей квалификационной категорииНовосибирск -2017Учитель: СМЕРДИНА АННА АНАТОЛЬЕВНАПредмет:АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫККласс: 10 «с»Тема урока: «Поколение online или рабы технологии»Тип урока: УРОК КОММУНИКАТИВНО-ОРИЕНТИРОВАННОГО ОБУЧЕНИЯЦель урока: развить коммуникативные навыки учащихсяЗадачи урока:1. Вовлечь учащихся в активную речевую деятельность на уроке2. Развивать познавательный интерес, память, внимание3. Формировать языковые способности к догадке, к логическому изложениюФормы организации учебной деятельности: Индивидуальное, фронтальное, групповаяМетоды: 1. Интерактивный2. Проблемного обучения3. КоммуникативныйМетодические приёмы: Создание проблемной ситуацииПостроение собственной схемы монологического высказыванияНахождение соответствийОборудование: компьютер, раздаточный материалПланируемые образовательные результаты: Правильное использование необходимой информацииУмение обобщать и выделять главное в обсуждаемой темеСтруктура урока: Организационный моментНазвание предметов в презентации и определение их общностиОбзор основных компьютерных терминов иобъяснение лексических значений словВысказывание собственных мнений об ИнтернетеДинамическая паузаПросмотр видео ролика и обсуждениепредтекстовый этапсравнение cлайда и названия видеотекстаописание слайда, иллюстрирующего содержание текставведение новых слов и их объяснениеконтроль понимания в виде лексического тестапостановка вопросов, направленных на формулирование основной мыслиб) текстовый этаппрослушивание всего текстаответы на вопросыв)послетекстовый этапобсуждение вопросов, поставленных до прослушиваниякомментарии к содержанию текстаПодведение итоговХод урока1.Организационный момент:Hello! I am glad to see you. I hope that you are in a good mood. Some people think that technology will save the world and make it better; some others think that technology will ruin the society because we are too dependent on electronic gadgets and machines. During the lesson I want you to elicit what generation we are… (на доске неполное название темы:) “We are a generation…..Let’s start our work with watching pictures.2. Название предметов в презентации и определение их общности:Look at the screen. What can you see?LettersTelegrammesPhonesParcelsComputersLetters, telegrammes, phones, parcels, computers. What are they?Yes, they are the ways of communications. They communicate people. What way do people use them?-S-write letters( telegrammes), then send and receive them-T-How do people use phones?-S- They phone somebody-Answer the phone- Send a message- Receive a message-T- What about parcels?-S- Send parcels –Receive parcels-T- Computers?-S- Send e-mails or be on-line3.Обзор основных компьютерных терминов и объяснение лексических значений слов-T-But all changes. We need an instant contact. The days of pen and paper are numbered. Why should we bother to buy an envelope and stamp and wait several days for your letter to be delivered?Now: we can type our message, click “send” and in an instant it will have arrived, anywhere in the world. The computer revolution is changing our life and languages, too. We are constantly making up new words or giving new meaning to old ones. Now let’s repeat few necessary computer science terms.First of all let’s explain the lexical meaning of these words.PresentationScreen, mouse, keyboards, disk drive, mouse pad, modem, key, desktopStudents: A small object that you move with your hand to operate a computer; (mouse)A flat piece of rubber or plastic which you use under a mouse; (mouse pad)A flat part in front of a computer which you look at; (screen)A part of a computer with rows of letters and symbols; (keyboards)A part of a computer you use to pass information to from a disk; (disk drive)One of the parts with a letter or symbol which you press when you use a computer; (key)The equipment inside a computer which allows information to be sent to another computer using a phone line; (modem)The screen you see after you’ve switched your computer; (desktop)4.Высказывание собственных мнений об ИнтернетеWhen we say computer we often mean the Internet. What is the Internet for you? (The students express their opinions about their attitudes towards the Internet)5.Dynamic pause (Приложение 1)6.Просмотр видео ролика и обсуждениесравнение слайда и названия видеотекстаописание слайда, иллюстрирующего содержание текста-T-Now you’ll watch a video. Before watching it, look at the picture and the title. How are they related? (Приложение 2)-Student: “The title of the video is look up but two girls are looking down maybe it’s a challenge not to stare at the screen.-Teacher:”Describe the picture. What is happening?-Student:” Two girls are staring at their phones and they don’t notice another one.-Teacher:” What do you think this video might be about?-Students:”Maybe it’s about the relations between the girls.” “I think this video is about indifference” and et cetera.введение новых слов и их объяснение Match English and Russian equivalents (Приложение 3)контроль понимания в виде лексического теста (Приложение 4)Work in pairs.I’ll hand you out the tasks. Choose rhyming words and make up word-combinations with them. (The students work in pairs and then the teacher check their answers)постановка вопросов, направленных на формулирование основной мысли-Teacher:”Watch the video and try to get the main idea of this video.1. Determine what problem is discussed in this film?2. What does the speaker call to?3. Explain the sentence «When we open our computers, and it’s our doors we shut”прослушивание всего текста (Приложение 5)ответы на вопросыобсуждение вопросов, поставленных до прослушиваниякомментарии к содержанию текста7.Подведение итоговDear students, what is the title of the lesson? Why? Complete the title of the lesson.”We are a generation….”I want you to comment the following words:”The man is still the most extraordinary thing of all? (John Kennedy)…Draw a face according to your mood now. Choose the card with your mood.Приложение 1Open your eyes wide. Look as high as you can, fix your sight for one second. Then move your eyes to the right as far as you can, fix this position for one second. Then move your eyes down as far as you can, fix the position for one second, and finally move your eyes left as far as you can and fix this position for one second. Keep your eyes wide open. Do this exercise 10 times clockwise and 10 times counter-clockwise Приложение 2Приложение 3Match English and Russian equivalents1.It’s just an illusiona)Оставь смятения позади2.a sense of inclusionb)Не сдавайся, чтобы жить, следуя только модным веяниям3.device of delusion c)ограниченная жизнь4. We leave out the emotiond)Просто иллюзия5.we’re at our most happy with an experience we sharee)Стоит ли тратить время впустую, погружаясь во всемирную паутину6.you can’t entertain a child without using iPadf)Вглядись в то, что тебя окружает, проживи этот день на все 100%7.I’d wear holes in my trainers and graze up my kneesg)чувство вовлеченности, что- я часть целого8.Take in your surroundings, make the most of todayh)Я протирал дырки в кедах и обдирал коленки9.a finite existencei)устройство, вводящее в заблуждение10.Why waste all our time getting caught in the netj)мы оставляем эмоции11.Don’t give in to a life where you follow the hypek)Больше всего мы счастливы, когда делимся своим опытом12.Leave distractions behind l)ты не можешь развлечь ребенка без ай-падаПриложение 4Fill in the gapsЗадание 1. Slaves, technology, confusion, experience, sense of inclusion, emotionAll this _____________we have it’s just an illusionCommunity, companionship, a _____________When you step away from this device of delusionYou awaken to see a world of ______________A world where we’re ______________to the technology we masteredWhere information gets sold by some rich, greedy bastardA world of self-interest, self-image, self-promotionWhere we all share our best bits but leave out the _______________We’re at our most happy with an________________we shareBut is it the same if no one is there?Задание 2. Norm, surrounded, trainers, entertainWe’re ______________by children who since they were bornHave watched us living like robots and think it’s the ______________It’s not very likely you’ll make world’s greatest DadIf you can’t _____________a child without using an iPadWhen I was a child I’d never be homeI’d be out with my friends, on our bikes we’d roamI’d wear holes in my ______________and graze up my kneesOr build our own clubhouse high up in the treesЗадание 3. Machine, chat, caught, follow, display, disconnect, existenceWe have a finite_______________, a set number of daysDon’t waste your life getting _______________in the netbecause when the end comes, nothing’s worse than regretI am guilty too of being part of this __________________this digital world we are heard but not seenwhere we type as we talk and read as we ________________where we spend hours together without making eye-contactSo don’t give in to a life where you _______________the hypeGive people your love, don’t give them your “like”_________________from the need to be heard and definedGo out into the world, leave distractions behindLook up from your phone, shut down the _______________Stop watching this video, live life the real way.Приложение 5Look Up  I have 422 friends yet I am lonelyI speak to all of them every day yet none of them really know meThe problem I have sits in the space in-betweenLooking into their eyes or at a name on a screenI took a step back and opened my eyesI looked round and realizedThis media we call social is anything butwhen we open our computers and it’s our doors we shutAll this technology we have it’s just an illusionCommunity, companionship, a sense of inclusionwhen you step away from this device of delusionyou awaken to see a world of confusionA world where we’re slaves to the technology we masteredWhere information gets sold by some rich, greedy bastardA world of self-interest, self-image, self-promotionWhere we all share our best bits but leave out the emotionWe’re at our most happy with an experience we shareBut is it the same if no one is there?Be there for your friends and they’ll be there toobut no one will be if a group message will doWe edit and exaggerate, crave adulationwe pretend not to notice the social isolation.We put our words into order till our lives are glistening,We don’t even know if anyone is listeningBeing alone isn’t the problem let me just emphasizeIf you read a book, paint a picture, or do some exerciseYou’re being productive and present not reserved and recluseYou’re being awake and attentive and putting your time to good useSo when you’re in public and you start to feel aloneput your hands behind your head, step away from the phone.You don’t need to stare at your menu or at your contact listJust talk to one another, learn to co-existI can’t stand to hear the silence of a busy commuter trainWhen no one wants to talk for the fear of looking insaneWe’re becoming unsocial, it no longer satisfiesTo engage with one another and look into someone’s eyes.We’re surrounded by children who since they were bornHave watched us living like robots and think it’s the normIt’s not very likely you’ll make world’s greatest DadIf you can’t entertain a child without using an iPadWhen I was a child I’d never be homeI’d be out with my friends, on our bikes we’d roamI’d wear holes in my trainers and graze up my kneesOr build our own clubhouse high up in the treesNow the park is so quiet it gives me a chillSee no children outside and the swings hanging stillThere’s no skipping, no hopscotch, no church and no steeple,We’re a generation of idiots, smart phones and dumb peopleSo look up from your phone, shut down the displayTake in your surroundings, make the most of todayJust one real connection is all it can takeTo show you the difference that being there can makeBe there in the moment as she gives you the lookThat you remember forever as when love overtookThe time she first held your hand or first kissed your lipsThe time you first disagreed but still loved her to bitsThe time you don’t have to tell hundreds of what you’ve just donebecause you want to share this moment with just this one.The time you sell your computer so you can buy a ring,for the girl of your dreams who is now the real thingThe time you want to start a family and the moment whenYou first hold your little girl and get to fall in love againThe time she keeps you up at nights and all you want is restAnd the time you wipe away the tears as your baby flees the nestThe time your baby girl returns with a boy for you to holdAnd the time he calls you Granddad and makes you feel real oldThe time you take in all you’ve made when you’re giving life attentionAnd how you’re real glad you didn’t waste it by looking down at some inventionThe time you hold your wife’s hand, sit down beside her bed.You tell her that you love her, lay a kiss upon her head.She then whispers to you quietly as her heart gives a final beat,That she’s lucky she got stopped by that lost boy in the streetBut none of these times ever happened. You never had any of thisWhen you’re too busy looking down, you don’t see the chances you missSo look up from your phones, shut down those displaysWe have a finite existence, a set number of daysDon’t waste your life getting caught in the netbecause when the end comes, nothing’s worse than regretI am guilty too of being part of this machinethis digital world we are heard but not seenwhere we type as we talk and read as we chatwhere we spend hours together without making eye-contactSo don’t give into a life where you follow the hypeGive people your love, don’t give them your “like”Disconnect from the need to be heard and definedGo out into the world, leave distractions behindLook up from your phone, shut down the displayStop watching this video, live life the real way.

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Сетевое издание "Интеллект- всероссийские конкурсы". Регистрационный номер серии ЭЛ № ФС77-73234 от 02.07.2018.

СМИ зарегистрировано Федеральной службой по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций (Роскомнадзором).

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