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Автор публикации: Коротеева Эвелина Александровна

Театрализация на уроках английского языка как средство повышения мотивации к изучению

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Статья «Театрализация на уроках английского языка как средство для увеличения мотивации к изучению языка»Коротеева Эвелина Александровна, учитель английского языкаМОУ «Лицей № 107» г. Саратов Theatricalization in English lessons as a means of removing the language barrier and increasing motivation to learn English.The task of learning a foreign language is currently aimed at the development of foreign language communicative competence among students in the totality of all its components: speech, language, socio-cultural, educational and cognitive.The new federal state educational standards are an opportunity to move to a higher level of education by ensuring its continuity, integration of different types of education.Great attention should be paid to increasing the motivation of students, the formation of interest in language learning and the desire for self-development. As the Minister of Education Serguei Kravtsov mentioned in his speech, «theatrical activity at school is an important tool for educating the younger generation and a social lift for talented children from the regions». The purpose of our work is to study the method of theatricalization in English lessons as a means of forming students' oral speech skills for free self-expression.The object of the study is the method of theatricalization in English lessons.The subject of our study is the process of teaching a foreign language with the help of theatrical productions, both during the scheduled time and after school.The theater is a continuation of children's role–playing games. Theatrical productions help to use knowledge in practice, develop erudition, memory, the ability to pronounce monologues and dialogues. When students are involved in the creative process, they easily overcome the "language barrier".In our work we decided to focus on Russian folk tales. Folklore as a means of patriotic education of children is of national importance today. This helps everyone to become a true citizen of their homeland. We staged the famous Russian fairy tale «The Turnip». It was exciting and amazing. Even shy pupils managed to overcome their shyness and everybody developed their conversational skills. Taking part in this event helped to increase the motivation for studying the subject.Overcoming the language barrier is an important point. It is difficult for children to start speaking, they are afraid of making a mistake. The language barrier prevents the development of speech skills. We carried out the research questionnaire among the pupils of our school. The task was to find out the percentage of pupils feeling less shy after participating in the theatrical performance and being more motivated for learning the English language. 75% of students are satisfied with using the method of theatricalization in the educational process and consider it very effective. The diagram with the results you can see on the screen. The theater is a continuation of children's role–playing games. Theatrical productions help to use knowledge in practice, develop erudition, memory, the ability to pronounce monologues and dialogues. When students are involved in the creative process, they easily overcome the "language barrier".We would like to give our example of using theatrical activities in the language learning process. When we studied the topic “Shopping”, we decided to organize not just role-playing activities, but create short performances. These are the photos from our lesson which prove our opinion that theatrical performances help to develop conversational skills, the ability to speak and understand foreign speech in a very natural way, without stress and tension. Everybody felt happy and excited. The atmosphere was full of joy.Taking part in theatrical performances deepens knowledge and skills of everyday life for communication, enables familiarization of representatives of foreign countries with the culture of Russia.Theatrical activity as a kind of role-playing game creates conditions for overcoming fear and difficulties in language expression. Theatricalization as a method of learning and as a change of activity in the classroom allows introducing children to new material in an interesting way, testing and consolidating the knowledge gained. Theatrical activity is a model of imitation of reality. Elements of theatrical pedagogy not only diversify the educational process, but also enrich it, creating an atmosphere of creativity in the classroom. The students become more liberated and free. The performance of children in front of the audience is attractive. It allows you to show creativity, independence and helps to express personality. It is also important that theatricalization in the classroom does not require complex costumes and decorations. Students will be happy to play. Children in the classroom should not only speak, but also be able to listen. Theatrical activity in the classroom makes you listen carefully to the conversation. After all, the audition is much more exciting if the hero of your favorite fairy tale is in front of you...The novelty of our experience lies in the fact that we have developed conditions for effective theatrical activity, thought out the forms of work (from presenting a ready-made sample to individual work), defined the stages of work in order to more successfully remove the language barrier of students.Summing up, it should be noted that this type of work is available for absolutely any class, any age and level of training. Students are happy to learn their roles. Even shy pupils have a good chance to reveal their talents. The students of our class performed successfully, received all excellent marks in the subject. Список использованной литературы    1. Рогова Г.В. ,Никитенко З.Н. О некоторых путях мотивации изучения иностранных языков у школьников в …классах. – Иностранные языки в школе.№6, 1988. 2.      Захаркина С.В., Ерхова У.Л., Атамчук Е.С. Театр - языковой социум как средство повышения мотивации школьников при обучении английскому языку. – Иностранные языки в школе. №8, 2006. 3.      Лобачева Н.П. – Игры и сказки для работы над темами «What do you look like?» и «What are you like?»

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